Daubs of paint splashed on a cavas and then babbled about by the Mighty Toad.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The 1:15 to Omiya

This was actually intended to be just the background of a much more detailed painting but I really liked the colors. And that I could call it done and no one could really argue with me. I had the idea ages ago and did a small painting that didn't really work for me. This one, which is obviously much more impressionistic, I think works much better. At least, I think that for now. We'll see how I feel next weekend after I've had to walk around the wet painting in my office for a week or so...

Mainly though, I just really wanted to paint something and I wanted to do it fast. I've got ideas for long paintings, stuff that's going to require sketches and research and whatnot and I'm looking forward to doing them. But I hadn't painted anything since October and I just wanted to get my hands wet, so to speak. It felt good, I'm glad I did it and I now feel much more ready to go on and do some other paintings over the holidays. Probably smaller paintings too.

This is the largest canvas I've ever worked on; it's two feet by two and a half feet wide. (They were having a sale at the art supply store. I had cash in my wallet. Thus does life happen.) It's oils on canvas and done mainly with a wide brush that looks much more like something you'd use to paint a wall, not to make a painting but, yeah, well, learn something new every day, right?

Cross-posted from Left From Seattle.

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