Daubs of paint splashed on a cavas and then babbled about by the Mighty Toad.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Forest Fire

Forest Fire
Originally uploaded by SunToad
This is just a simple painting, done literally, to cleanse the palate. I had just finished a difficult painting for a friend, at her request and it had taken quite a lot of time and effort to get it to a point I was happy with.

Once finished, I had several colors left on my palate and I had no idea what to do with them, so I just started applying them to the canvas. Once I had the idea that there were trees at the bottom, I started working with the idea that there was a fire in progress. Maybe.

On the other hand, my wife says she thinks it's just a nice autumn day, but either way she likes it. Which is improvement of a sort I think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.