Daubs of paint splashed on a cavas and then babbled about by the Mighty Toad.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Originally uploaded by SunToad.
After the last painting, I wanted to do something easy and quick and I wanted to try out that masking technique again.

So, I took an old canvas that had been mostly covered with Lamp Black and then abandoned after the original idea didn't work out, and started laying tape out in lines until I came up with this design.

I thought this one would be fairly simple and be easy to spot, but my wife took one look and said, with complete certainty, that I had painted the Luxor, in Las Vegas. When I explained that it was actually a volcano, she asked if I was sure. Again.

I'm not sure abstracts are my forte. But it was fun and quick and easy to do, occupying a rainy afternoon and I'm mostly pleased with it. What I don't like is that it looks like a background to me. Like I need an animation cell or something in front of it to give it some sort of story or reason for being. I may go back and add to it someday, but for now it's on the wall and out of my head.

I was quite pleased with the way the masking worked out on this one and plan at least two more paintings using the technique, also using acrylics.

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